Saturday, April 9, 2016

Study guide H C Verma JEE Physics Ch. 15 WAVE MOTION AND WAVES ON A STRING

JEE Syllabus

Wave motion (plane waves only) 15.1,
longitudinal and transverse waves 15.13, 15.14,
superposition of waves; 15.6
Progressive and stationary waves(15.9 ,10);
Vibration of strings 15.11, 12, 13

Sections of the chapter

15.1 Wave motion
15.2 Wave pulse on a string
15.3 Sine wave travelling on a string
15.4 Velocity of a wave on a string
15.5 Power transmitted along the string by a sine wave
15.6 Interference and the Principle of Superposition
15.7 Interference of waves going in same direction
15.8 reflection and tramission of waves
15.9 Standing waves
15.10 Standing waves on a string fixed at both ends
15.11 analytic treatment of vibration of string fixed at both ends
15.12 Vibration of string fixed at both ends
15.13 Laws of Transverse vibrations of a string; Sonometer
15.14 Transverse and Longitudinal waves
15.15 Polarisation of waves
Study Plan

Day 1

Concept review Ch.15 Wave Motion and Waves on a String

Study sections
15.1 and 15.2

       Video Lectures 15.1 Wave motion
       Video Lectures 15.2 Wave pulse on a string

Day 2

Study sections
15.3 and 15.4

Study sections
15.5 and 15.6

Day 3

Study sections
15.5 and 15.6
Do worked out examples 1,2,3

Day 4

Study sections
15.7 Interference of waves going the same direction
15.8 Reflection and transmission of waves

Read example 15.5

Study worked out examples 4 and 5

Day 5

Study sections
15.9 and 15.10

Day 6

Study sections
15.11 and 15.12
15,11 Analytical treatment of vibration of a string fixed at both end.
15.12 Vibration of a string fixed at one end

Study worked out examples 6 and 7

Day 7

Study 15.13 and 15.14

15.13 Laws of Transverse Vibrations of a string: Sonometer
15.14 Transverse and Longitudinal waves

Study example 15.8

Study worked out examples 7,8,9

Do exercise problems 1,2,3

Day 8

Study 15.15 Polarization of waves

Study worked out examples 10

Do exercise problems 4 to 10

Day 9

Concept review Ch.15 Wave Motion and Waves on a String
Wave Motion - Waves on a String - Laws
Formula Revision 15. Wave motion and waves on a string

Do exercise problems 11 to 20

Day 10

Do exercise problems 21 to 30

Day 11

Do exercise problems 31 - 35

Day 12

Do exercise problems 36 - 40

Day 13

Do exercise problems 41 - 45

Day 14

Do exercise problems 46 - 50

Day 15

Do exercise problems 51 - 55

Day 16

Do exercise problems 56 - 57

Day 17
Objective I 1 to 12

Day 18
Objective I 13 to 22

Day 19
Objective II

Day 20
Questions for short answer 1 to 8

Concepts covered

Wave motion
Way of transporting energy from part of space to the other without any bulk motion of material together with it is wave motion. Sound is transmitted in air in this manner.

Waves that require a medium to travel are called mechanical waves and those which do not require a medium are called nonmechanical waves.

Travelling wave or progressive wave

Audiovisual lectures
Lesson 42: Wave Basics

Lesson 43: Properties of Traveling Waves

Lesson 44: Properties of Standing Waves

Web sites

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