Friday, July 31, 2009

Want to know more about music - Piano Chords

Piano Chords -- How They Are Formed & How They WorkChords: The Harmonic Background Of Melody

A chord is any group of 3 or more notes that are played at the same time. Broken chords, also known as arpeggios, are chords which are played one note at a time, but add up to 3 or more notes.

Chords are made from scales.

A scale is simply a row of notes in some consistent pattern. The word “scale” comes from a Latin word meaning “ladder” – notes ascend or descend the ladder rung by rung.

The notes of all 12 major scales according to their position in the scale is given as a diagram in the knol

Visit the article to know more about Piano Chords

Knol is available on Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License on 31.7.2009

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