Saturday, September 27, 2008

Magnetic Properties of Matter – Formulae - July Dec Revision

Ch. 37 Magnetic Properties of Matter – Formulae

1. Magnetization vector = Magnetic moment per unit volume

I = M/V

2. Magnetic intensity

H = B0 - I .. (2)


H = magnetic intensity

B - resultant magnetic field

I = intensity of magnetization

Magnetic intensity due to a magnetic pole of pole strength m at a distance r from it is

H = m/(4 πr²) …(5)

6. Magnetic susceptibility

I = χH … (6)

Χ is called the susceptibility of the material.

7. Permeability

B = µH … (7)

µ = µ0 (1+χ) is a constant and is called the permeability of the material.

µ0 is the permeability of vacuum.

µr = µ/µ0 = 1+ χ is called the relative permeability of the material.

9. Curie’s law

χ = c/T … (9)
where c = Curie’s constant

For ferromagnetic materials
Χ = c’/(T - Tc)

Tc is the Curie point and
c’ = constant

IIT JEE academy orkut community.

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