Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Purpose of the Blog

My daughter wrote x class examinations. Results are awaited. This time she and I did not take a break from the effort that we did for x examinations. We bought some books and continued our reading. She attended a bridge program for a week. They suggested books for various subjects. One of the books is Concepts of Physics, Part I by H C Verma, Bharati Bhawan publishers. Dr Verma is from Dept. of Physics, IIT Kanpur. I advised her to read a chapter a day from this book. I also promised her that I shall also read the chapter in the night to help her with some clarifications. In 22 days we completed reading 22 chapters. No doubt it is a quick reading. But we have now the confidence that we can read this portion in more detail in a comfortable manner.

As I read the material in detail, I want to post the experience of my relearning Physics. I hope some more parents take the cue from me and start relearning their earlier subjects and motivate their children.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Really nice blog. Very informative. Nice work sir...