Monday, November 10, 2008

Hydrogen Spectra - Series Structure

Lyman series:
All transitions to n =1 state from higher state give the radiation in Lyman series.

Jumping of the electron from n =2 to n =1 gives
1/ λ = R[1 – 1/2²] = R(1 – ¼) which will give λ = 121.6 nm.

Jumping of the electron from n = ∞ to n = 1 gives

1/ λ = R[1 – 1/∞²] = R(1 -0) which gives λ = 91.2 nm.

Balmer seires
All transitions to n = 2 from higher states given radiations within the range of 656.3 nm and 365.0 nm. These wavelengths fall in the visible region.

Paschen series
The transitions or jumps to n = 3 from higher energy levels give Paschen series in the range 1875 nm to 822 nm.

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